Restaurant Bubur Goreng - Klang

This shop is famous for their fried porridge and steamed clams. I've never heard of this restaurant until recently my best buddy suggested it for dinner. This restaurant is located at Taman Berkeley Klang, surrounded by housing area. Simple restaurant without air conditioning and not too crowded with people. Maybe because we went there during weekdays!

We ordered a bowl of fried porridge, stir fried lettuce and kam heong clams. Suppose we wanted to order their famous steamed clams, unfortunately they're out of big clams. So, we decided to try their kam heong clams. (smaller clams compared to steamed clams) Their kam heong clams turned out to be good. Fresh clams stir fried with delicious kam heong sauce. However, my favourite kam heong clams still at New Paris Restaurant.

Highlight dish of the night was the fried porridge. It's delicious. I really enjoyed it. This dish consists of porridge, yam cubes, tofu cubes, dried shrimps, pork lard, topped with spring onions and "yau char kwai" (chinese crullers). Beware of their sambal. It's really spicy but best eaten together with fried porridge. 

Fried porridge

Stir fried lettuce

Kam Heong lala / clams

Spicy sambal

Restaurant Bubur Goreng
No. 32 & 34 Lorong Lang,
Taman Berkeley,
41150 Klang, Selangor


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